I think Ma sums it up pretty well:
Birthing Coaches - Nash, Pearl, and Ma
Nash, 15 yrs old, so sweet the way he watched puppies being born (4th time)
We made it home in the nick of time - I know crazy to go away when your dog is so close to whelping, but this was the first time ever, that I recall, Ma came all the way from Baja, Mexico for Thanksgiving in Maine. We had to go. So, I pilled everyone in the FIT (Nash, Pearl, Willow Sunshine) and we made the 7 hour trek on Thanksgiving day, then at 2:00 AM on the 27th, Sunshine was restless, we packed up and hit the road. The car ride lulled the little ones to sleep, serious labor started hours after getting home, and little ones started to arrive (This is Willow Sunshine's first, and only litter).
One - Two - Three
They came like little choochoo's - OH, So, Thankful Grace was first born, number two was a bruiser - Yogi :).
Grace - Yogi - Chase
(Greed, blue ricrac, back ribbon)
Four - Five - Six
Finn - Izzy - Halo
sliver/bue - purple lace - gold ribbon
Halo was a close call. Sunshine cut her cord to close, and blood was spurting EVERYWHERE! Exasperated, I couldn't get the right words out, so pointed to Ma and kept saying:
"There! There! Clamps! Clamps!"
I wanted cotton balls to stop the bleeding - I had no clamps, so of course she couldn't find them. Which is what she was looking for.
Needless to say we both were befuddled in a mixed up communication gap.
We were also very tired by this time. Concentration labored.
Tired Nash, Willow Sunshine looking pretty good for delivering 6, one more to go.
Last but not least
(green ricrac ribbon)
Then, they began to grow.
First time outside
Two years old Grace and Halo
Their siblings (photos by their owners)
Maine - 2017
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