Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Yogi came to play

Play date with Yogi (Blue Ricrac). We went for a walk into the woods, and practiced some focus work. 

 We couldn't find Grace, when I turned around she was up on this boulder.

 Going down was scary.
 Then Yodi wanted to try.

 His sister's decided not to follow.
 Focus work

 Yodi running through the woods with his Mistress.
 This is the boulder Grace and Yogi climbed
 Grace lagging behind
 Grace, Willow Sunshine and Yogi running

 Halo and Grace
 Yogi and Grace having a moment to reconnect.
 snuggle time.
 Yogi tired, and on his way home.

1 comment:

  1. This is Donna on Daryl's Facebook. It was a wonderful day for both me and Yogi
